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Records Division

Director Becky Long

The Records Section personnel are responsible for:

  • Case Files: The receipt, distribution, and classification, data input, filing and storage of all offense and follow up reports.
  • Warrants, Traffic, Orders of Protection and Civil No Contact Orders: These documents are received from the Circuit Clerk's Office/State's Attorney's Office or other court jurisdictions. Upon completion of all data entry they are forwarded to the Patrol Division for service.
  • Traffic Citations: Upon receipt of all traffic citations they are entered into our data entry system and the Illinois Traffic Stop Study data collection and then forwarded to the Circuit Clerk's Office.
  • Out-Files/Arrest Jackets: These files are received on a daily basis from the Jail and contain data compiled during the booking process and the duration of time the individual was incarcerated in the Sangamon County Jail. Duplicate data is removed and shredded, while other data is transferred to the individual's arrest jacket.
  • Other Regular Duties: Insurance requests, criminal history checks, telephones, assist citizens at the counter, assisting all law enforcement agencies on a daily basis, mandated state reporting requirements, compile statistics, process expungement orders, file destruction, Freedom of Information requests and more. We also complete LEADS validations on a monthly basis. Pursuant to the Child Sex Offender Notification law, four (4) times a year, we mail out the Sangamon County Sex Offender list to over 400 schools and daycare facilities located in Sangamon County. The Support Services Division is proud to assist all areas of the Sheriff's Office in the maintenance of accurate records.

Civil Process

Sangamon County has adopted a flat fee of $50.00 each for service of civil papers. Evictions and Replevins are $100.00 each.
When the Civil Papers are received they are placed into our data entry system and then forwarded to the Deputies for delivery/service.


If you have questions as to the status of a Civil Paper you have at the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office for service, please be advised of the following information:

  1. Please do not call about the service of the civil paper prior to a week before the paper expires.
  2. When you do call, please do so between 12:30 and 4:00 p.m. and phone 217-753-6374 or 217-753-6846.


The Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office will *NOT ACCEPT any papers for service by our office that are brought to us with less than TEN (10) business days available for service.  *Exception to this would be Orders of Protection matters*


Information for papers to be served on the Illinois Secretary of State and the Illinois Director of Insurance:


Motor Vehicle-     One original summons, two copies of the summons and two complaints for each defendant.  $5.00 check to Secretary of State for each defendant. (Also, an affidavit of compliance)

Corporation Division-    One original summons, two copies of the summons and two complaints for each defendant.  $10.00 check payable to Secretary of State, for each defendant.  (Also, two affidavits of compliance for service on the Secretary of State)  NOTE:  The check should be made out for $100.00 when it is a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP.



One original summons, two copies of the summons and two complaints for each defendant.  $20.00 check payable to the Director of Insurance for each defendant.

Sheriff’s Fee for service is $50.00 made payable to the
Sheriff of Sangamon County for any of the above.





In Sangamon County, the Sheriff’s Office is the ONLY police agency that are designated to enforce a court ordered, “Order to Vacate”, unless otherwise ordered by the Court.  Our main function when assisting with an Order to Vacate is to prevent breaches of the peace.

Upon receiving the “Order to Vacate” from the court, the Landlord/Plaintiff should IMMEDIATELY bring the court order to the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office to schedule a date and time for the physical eviction.  Upon scheduling the eviction, the Sheriff’s Office will send a courtesy post card to the Defendant advising them of the up and coming Eviction.

There will be no refunds once an eviction is scheduled.  If you must reschedule, you will have to pay again.

Sheriff’s Office personnel will meet the Landlord/Plaintiff or their appointed representative at the residence at the date and time appointed.


In the event Sheriff’s personnel believe that the residence may be a health hazard, the Sangamon County Department of Public Health will be contacted to response to the scene to determine if the residence may be safely entered.

Sheriff’s personnel will remove all persons ordered evicted from the premise, and will conduct a walkthrough of the premises for removal of weapons, illegal drugs or other contraband.

Upon completion of the eviction, Sheriff’s personnel will tender possession of the real property to the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s representative and post a copy of the Order to Vacate on the door.

Sheriff’s personnel do not remove property other than that described in item 7.   Please consult your personal Attorney on your responsibilities regarding the Defendants possessions that have been left in the premise.  

Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/9-209 the enforcement of the Order to Vacate will not be hindered by the Defendants claim that rent has been paid.

The Sheriff’s Office cannot give legal advice.  If you have questions you should consult your Attorney.

The Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office is not responsible for any stolen or damaged property.                      


Updated and effective October 31, 2014



Sheriff's Sales

The following information pertains to the procedures to be followed and the documents necessary for the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office to perform a Sheriff’s Sale. All documents and payment must be submitted to the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office Records Section a minimum of three (3) working days prior to the actual sale date as follows:

  1. The creditor must obtain an Order of Possession, signed by a Judge. (A copy of the unsigned order prior to the sale and a copy of the signed order after the sale are to be submitted to the Sheriff’s Office.)
  2. An Order for the Sale, signed by a Judge with a date for the sale, or indicating, “date to be assigned” must be obtained by the creditor.
  3. Proof of advertisement from a newspaper of general circulation, proving that the sale was advertised for one (1) day a week for three (3) consecutive weeks must be presented. (NOTE: advertisement must stipulate what form of payment will be accepted.)
  4. Non-refundable fee to the Sheriff of Sangamon County in the amount of $600.00. **Fee for the Sale of unimproved real estate with a sale price of $10,000.00 or less will be $150.00.
  5. The creditor will prepare the Sheriff’s Deed and all necessary legal documents, and will be responsible for acquiring and returning the documents to the Sangamon County Circuit Clerk’s Office. (In addition to the legal description of the property, the correct address will also be listed on all documents.)
  6. In the event that the successful bidder is a third party other than the creditor or attorney for the creditor, they will be instructed by the person conducting the sale as to the required payment(s).
  7. Whenever a sale is conducted it will be held in the Sangamon County Board Chambers or conference room on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. (Unless other arrangements are made.)

These procedures became effective May 16. 2005, and were updated September 15, 2005 and February 18, 2009

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